ベンチマーク:Phoronix Test Suiteを試す

いろいろ調べたらPhoronix Test Suiteというのがあるらしくhttp://spress.35-35.net/soso/?p=23を参考に試す事にしました。


php-cli パッケージのインストール
# yum install php-cli
Phoronix Test Suiteのインストール


# cd /tmp
# wget http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/download.php?file=phoronix-test-suite-2.8.2
# tar zxvf phoronix-test-suite-2.8.2.tar.gz
# cd phoronix-test-suite
# ./install-sh
Phoronix Test Suite Installation Completed

Executable File: /usr/bin/phoronix-test-suite
Documentation: /usr/share/doc/phoronix-test-suite/
Phoronix Test Suite Files: /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/


# phoronix-test-suite list-suites
    Do you agree to these terms and wish to proceed (Y/n): Y
    Enable anonymous usage / statistics reporting (Y/n): Y
    Enable anonymous statistical reporting of installed software / hardware (Y/n): Y

56 Suites

  audio-encoding         - Audio Encoding                   [Type: System]
  bsd                    - BSD                              [Type: System]
  chess                  - Chess Test Suite                 [Type: Processor]
  compilation            - Timed Code Compilation           [Type: Processor]
  compiler               - Compiler                         [Type: Processor]
  compression            - Timed File Compression           [Type: Processor]
  computational-biology  - Computational Biology Test Suite [Type: Processor]
  computational          - Computational Test Suite         [Type: System]
  cpu                    - CPU / Processor Suite            [Type: Processor]
  cryptography           - Cryptography                     [Type: Processor]
  daily-kernel-tracker   - Daily Kernel Tracker             [Type: System]
  daily-system-tracker   - Daily System Tracker             [Type: System]
  darwin                 - Darwin Test Suite                [Type: System]
  database               - Database Test Suite              [Type: System]
  desktop-graphics       - Desktop Graphics                 [Type: System]
  disk-ssd               - Disk SSD Testing                 [Type: Disk]
  disk                   - Disk Test Suite                  [Type: Disk]
  encoding               - Encoding                         [Type: System]
  favorites              - Favorites                        [Type: System]
  gaming-closed          - Closed-Source Gaming             [Type: System]
  gaming-free            - Free Software Gaming             [Type: System]
  gaming                 - Gaming                           [Type: System]
  gui-toolkits           - GUI Toolkits                     [Type: Graphics]
  ioquake3-games         - Games Using The ioquake3 Engine  [Type: System]
  iqc                    - Image Quality Comparison Suite   [Type: Graphics]
  java-opengl            - Java OpenGL                      [Type: System]
  java                   - Java                             [Type: System]
  kernel                 - Kernel                           [Type: System]
  linux-system           - Linux System                     [Type: System]
  memory                 - Memory Test Suite                [Type: Memory]
  mesa                   - Mesa Test Suite                  [Type: Graphics]
  motherboard            - Motherboard                      [Type: System]
  multicore              - Multi-Core                       [Type: Processor]
  netbook                - Netbook Test Suite               [Type: System]
  network                - Networking Test Suite            [Type: Network]
  nevada                 - OpenSolaris Nevada Test Suite    [Type: System]
  opencl                 - OpenCL                           [Type: System]
  opengl-demos           - OpenGL Demos Test Suite          [Type: System]
  opengl-workstation     - OpenGL Workstation Test Suite    [Type: System]
  opstone                - Opstone Benchmarks               [Type: Processor]
  pts-desktop-live       - PTS Desktop Live                 [Type: System]
  pts-netbook-live       - PTS Netbook Live                 [Type: System]
  ray-tracing            - Ray-Tracing Test Suite           [Type: System]
  server                 - Server Motherboard               [Type: System]
  system-compliance      - System Compliance                [Type: System]
  unigine                - Unigine Test Suite               [Type: Graphics]
  universe-cli           - Universe CLI Test Suite          [Type: System]
  universe-x             - Universe X Test Suite            [Type: System]
  universe               - Universe Test Suite              [Type: System]
  video-encoding         - Video Encoding                   [Type: System]
  windows                - Windows Compatible Tests         [Type: System]
  wine-graphics          - WINE Graphics Tests              [Type: Graphics]
  workstation-graphics   - Workstation Graphics             [Type: Graphics]
  workstation            - Workstation                      [Type: System]
  x-testing              - X Testing                        [Type: System]
  xrender                - X Render Extension Testing       [Type: Graphics]
# phoronix-test-suite system-info

Phoronix Test Suite v2.8.2
System Information

Processor: Intel Xeon CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz (Total Cores: 1), Motherboard: VMware VMware Virtual Platform, Chipset: Intel 440BX/ZX/DX, Memory: 1 x 2048 MB DRAM, Disk: 129GB Virtual disk, Graphics: VMware SVGA II Adapter

OS: RedHatEnterpriseServer 5.5, Kernel: 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5 (i686), Display Server: Unknown, Display Driver: vmware, Compiler: GCC 4.1.2, File-System: ext3, Screen Resolution: Unknown


# phoronix-test-suite benchmark cpu


# phoronix-test-suite install cpu